Treatment of Waste water

Treatment of Waste Water – By Advanced Oxidation Process of Catalytic Hydrodynamic Cavitation

As they say that “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”

So, Nandesari Industries Association (NIA) and the R&D team of CETP has become the mother and had given birth to Advanced Oxidation Process of Electro-oxidation which was further improvised to “Treatment based on Principles of  Hydrodynamic Cavitation”. Here organic compounds in the waste water are degraded rather than concentrated or transferred into a different phase.

  • The treatment process based on Electro-oxidation was developed in association with NEERI, Nagpur. 
  • The treatment was implemented on plant scale and the system ran for 3 years successfully. The operating cost (Rs. 0.80/Lt) was slightly prohibitive for the micro and small scale industries of Nandesari. 
  • So R&D team of NIA developed the process based on Hydrodynamic Cavitation which took @ 3 years from concept to commissioning to plant scale. 
  • NIA CETP now has the consent to treat and dispose 12 MLD of waste water based on hydrodynamic cavitation. 
  • As on today, Effluent generated by industries of GIDC, Nandesari is being treated by incorporating the technology of Hydrodynamic Cavitation using Calcium hypochlorite (generated insitu) as oxidising agent and achieving the final outlet effluent marine discharge norms. 
  • Initially, NIA CETP started accepting the effluent as it is (COD > 2,000 mg/L) to ensure that all the effluent generated is received at CETP.
  • Based on the success, NIA has provided the technology to its member industries. Now 80 industries have implemented this technology.
  • Now the effluent received at CETP is within GPCB norms of < 1500 mg/L
  • CETP has already carried out treatability studies for more than 300 industries including CETP’s, industries from Vatva to Vapi, Maharashtra and Karnataka.